I only knew him for a week, and I already head-over-heels for this magnificent Eton boy.
I knew he was nominated for Best Actor in Leading Role in Oscars for his work in "The Theory of Everything"(I had the movie downloaded safely, tbh). Yet, since I am not a big fan of Mr. Hawking, I didn't find myself rushing to watch the film.
Not until I saw Eddie on the Oscars night. I WAS INSTANTLY TOTALLY IN LOVE.
I love how glowing his face was, how goofy he was in the stage, how humble he was in his deliverance speech, and how madly in love he was with his newly wedded wife, Hannah. I love how genuine he appears, how authentic he is.
Only then I started to do a not-so-little research about him. I learned that he came from a pretty esteemed family, he was in the same year with Prince William ini Eton, and went to Cambridge (yeah, I drool educated men). And, he is a Briton! Yeay! His voice is unexpectedly deep, also.
I didn't realize he was the one who acted as Marius on Les Mis the movie. I only remembered that I wasn't really impressed by this particular man, with his freckles and wide lips. But his song of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" was memorable.
I think I'm officially obsessed, that I follow his fandom IG accounts everywhere. And unlike my previous crushes for Briton, as Tim Roth and Hugh Laurie - oh, and also Mark Owen from Take That, gee, what's in those guys, actually? - , it started with me seeing his real performances as a human being, not as a character in the movie. I mean, like for Tim and Hugh (first name basis, huh), I fell in love with their characters; Cal Lightman and Gregory House. When I did my researches on them, I barely able to stand their dark sides. Tim roots for politics, and Greg seems having a psychological issue. I fell in love with Cal and Greg, not Tim and Hugh.
But for Eddie, I truly swooned by his smile, his hazel eyes, his cute freckles, his amazing talents, his humble personality, his sweet and genuine love to his beautiful wife!
I'm taking a risk to sound like a young girl, but heck yeah, it's Eddie Redmayne! And I'm on a mission to look for and watch his movies!!!