Wednesday 24 March 2010

Recipe for a Miracle

got it from here

1 cup Tension
2 cups Stress
1 ½ teaspoons of Guilt
2 heaping cups of Limited Time
3/4 tablespoon of Urgency
A dash of “No Other Choice”
3 heaping cups of Faith

Tuesday 23 March 2010

i see stars... wait, or is it lollipop?

I started to feel like this

when I worked tonight.

Rest is needed!!!!

a (unqualified) story behind my passion in writing and books

There's a tradition in my culture, when a baby is about 1 y.o., s/he will have to choose one of some item the parents put in front of the baby. S/he will be put about 2 metres from those stuff, and the baby will have to crawl then pick one. The stuff s/he picks is trusted to symbolize what the baby will become later. It's a fun tradition, actually.
The stuff are commonly consist of: a book (means the baby will be a smart person), a pencil (the baby will be a dilligent & smart person), a coin (rich, hardworking one) and an egg (unfortunately, the baby will score egg in his/her lifetime).
I picked a book, back then.
My younger sister once was about to pick the egg, but my mom quickly led her to choose another. She took coin instead. My mom was relieved.

the haves or have-nots?

Dunia ini emang bikin bingung.
Ada orang yang keliatannya sederhana, tapi bisa makan enak tiap hari, bisa bayarin orang lain dengan murah hatinya.
Ada orang yang pas-pasan aja duitnya, tapi masih bisa senang-senang; makan, nonton, belanja-belanja (ehm, ini sih gue :p).
Ada yang (katanya) super tajir, bisa beli barang-barang bermerk, koleksi merk itu, makan di mall sekelas PP dan GI (dan gak cari makanan murmer macam Doner Kebab ato Mee Lekker), tapi kalo mao traktir orang aja tunggu diskon.
Eits, jangan salah, saya juga bakal bahagia riang gembira kalo bisa dapet double-benefits, bisa senengin temen sekaligus saving dompet kan lumayan ya gak? Tapi kalo sampe pengumuman kalo traktiran hari ini karena lagi ada diskon kan ya kurang enak di kuping, ya gak sih?

Rain Rain oh Rain

"Just an old post from an older blog, hehe..."

Entah sejak kapan aku gak suka sama hujan.
Padahal, kalo diingat-ingat, waktu kecil aku suka memandangi hujan dari balik jendela kaca besar di ruang tamu rumahku. Well back then, rumahku masih belum direnovasi macem-macem seperti sekarang. Aku senang melihat jalanan beraspal abu-abu yang membasah, orang-orang yang berlari menembus hujan, pengendara motor yang tetap ngebut dengan jas hujannya, atau ada yang nekat, memegang payung (I practiced this one before), pemandangan rumah seberang yang buram karena tertutup tirai air, dan bau hujan yang khas.
Itu dulu. Waktu aku belum mengenal dan merasakan yang namanya banjir, karena waktu itu aku masih di pulau tercinta, pulau Bangka.

Thursday 18 March 2010

tell me when you miss me

Saya paling males kalo ketemu orang yang suka basa-basi.
Ada orang yang kalo ketemu heboh nyapa, "Hooooiiiii.... 'pa kabar lu???"
Yeah. Like they really want to know how I AM doing.
Suatu kali, few years ago, seseorang menyapa saya seperti itu.
"Halooooo.... apa kabar???"

Friday 12 March 2010

My Body is My Wonderland

Silakan sebut saya sebagai orang yang gak bisa dikritik. Gak mau terima kelemahan sendiri. Gak bisa dikasih tau. Whatever.
Tapi saya kasih tau ya... Saya gak suka kalo orang-orang udah mulai ngomong gini nih:

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Turning 30 This Year

I'm turning 30 this year.
Never thought that I will be on this stage. I thought I will be 20s forever. But as my mom always reminded me back when I was much younger, "It's not every year that you're 18," I am not.
It's a big number for me. 30. Oh man. It seems the number welcomes me with big grin and says, "Welcome to the old-people-world."

Alice In Wonderland - 2010

Monday, 7 March 2010
Venue: Blitz, MOI
with bee, bakpiu, juned & christy

Jujur, yang bikin saya mau nonton film ini cuma satu: Johnny Depp. Eh dua deh, satunya lagi: Tim Burton. Hehehe. Saya sukaaa film-filmnya Tim Burton, gak tau kenapa. Well, bukan suka in terms of groupie of him banget ya. Nope, saya gak hapal apa aja film yang dia arahin, tapi biasanya film dia yang saya tonton, saya suka.
Gak, gak banyak kok. Sungguh, masih lepel pemula saya, hihi. Paling kayak Edward the Scissorshand, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (yang buat sebagian orang spookily weird).

Thursday 4 March 2010

pain in the ass... but i pity you

And this lady was a pain in the ass!!!
So here's the story.