Tuesday, 28 June 2011

13 weeks

I've been 13 weeks pregnant.
The first past weeks weren't fun, to tell you the truth. 
I first suspected that I was pregnant when my period was supposed to come, but it hadn't show any of its usual signs. Then I waited for about two days after I missed the date to purchase a pregnancy test. It was quite early in the morning when I took the test. I dipped the pregnancy test bar in my urine, and when it changed color, silly me, I jerked out the bar! The manual told me to dip it for about 30 seconds, but I think I took it out before 30 seconds. D'oh.
Still, the color kept changing and voila, the second strip suddenly appeared. Quite vaguely, but there was it! I couldn't believe my eyes, but my husband assured me there was.
I still quite couldn't believe it until we got to the doctor.