I've been 13 weeks pregnant.
The first past weeks weren't fun, to tell you the truth.
I first suspected that I was pregnant when my period was supposed to come, but it hadn't show any of its usual signs. Then I waited for about two days after I missed the date to purchase a pregnancy test. It was quite early in the morning when I took the test. I dipped the pregnancy test bar in my urine, and when it changed color, silly me, I jerked out the bar! The manual told me to dip it for about 30 seconds, but I think I took it out before 30 seconds. D'oh.
Still, the color kept changing and voila, the second strip suddenly appeared. Quite vaguely, but there was it! I couldn't believe my eyes, but my husband assured me there was.
I still quite couldn't believe it until we got to the doctor.
He put this stick inside of me and then he showed me a black pocket. When he pointed that pocket, I was like, 'Oh man... see, there's no baby.'
But then I heard the doctor said, 'Mam, that's the proof that you're pregnant. It's the womb pocket (kantong rahim, I don't really know the English for it :p).'
I am pregnant!!
It was 5 weeks then, and my body gradually grew weaker.
I got nauseous, headache, tired, everything. And at that time, I hated it.
I hated how my body reacted, how my body changed.
I was used to be active, do many things at one time, but now, even the shortest walk wear me down. Not to mention how I hated food that I liked before!
I got nauseous only hearing 'Starbucks' or 'Burger King', I couldn't eat much or lest I'd throw up.
I had to lie down almost all the time to calm my tummy, and sometimes I just so resented it. Why did I have to go through this??
I asked my husband many times, out of desperation, and he always answered calmly, "Because we are waiting for a special gift. Hang on there."
Sometimes I tempted to say, 'Easy for you to say! It's not you who bear all of this!"
But he does bear it together with me. Everytime I got nauseous or discomfort, he would make me a hot ginger, rub me in the back, just to comfort me.
And as we are counting in the 13th weeks, must I say, I'm getting comfortable here :)
The last check showed that the baby is pretty long for his/her age, I can see his/her spine clearly, and most amazing, his/her heartbeat. It was beautiful. Thud-thud-thud-thud, just like a locomotive sound.
Aah.. can't wait to see you, baby. Hope you keep growing healthy and perfectly. Love you!

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