Saturday, 20 August 2011

20 weeks & 4 days

You’re 20 weeks and 4 days now.
You weight 480 grams. A little bit advance for a baby your age.
I relieved that it may indicate that you have been well nourished J
You were moving quite actively when the obgyn scanned you. It was so cute and heart-warming.
Our baby boy…. You are in there, living, moving, rolling, listening, and doing all things you’re able to do. Hope we will get through the term well! 

Thursday, 18 August 2011

is it your first hiccuping I could sense of?

17 August 2011
it's your 20 weeks & 1st day in my womb.
and for the first time, I felt twitches in my lower tummy.
I read and heard that it was you who were hiccuping. How cute :)
Can't wait to feel some more.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

kalibrasi kuping

Kayaknya sih istilah kalibrasi kurang tepat kali ya, tapi itu yang kelintas di pikiranku, hehe…
Jadi beberapa hari belakangan ini telinga kananku suka pengang mendadak, kayak kalo kita lagi di ketinggian di dalam pesawat atau sedang berenang kemasukan air. Berhubung sudah cukup lama gak bersihin kuping, aku gunakan juga momen ini buat bersihin kuping. Ke mana lagi kalo bukan klinik tercinta, Klinik Tomang 24 jam dekat rumah.