Bennedict is 23 weeks, 6 days today. A very-soon-to-be 6 months baby inside!
He is quite an active baby boy. Especially in the morning and night, he will happily wake me up with his little kicks J
Unlike articles that I read, he doesn’t really respond to loud noise or bright light. Well, my husband once tried to flash my tummy with a flashlight, and Ben did give out a little protest. Naughty daddy, Ben.
During the first months of my pregnancy, as so many people recommend, I played some classical music record that my husband had downloaded. It turned out that I didn’t like it. Maybe, we – me & Ben – didn’t like it. I cringed and frowned and asked my husband to stop the record. I don’t understand why, I just didn’t feel comfortable hearing the music. Then my husband, who was crazy about Bon Jovi at that time, played BJ’s songs instead. And I felt calm! Geez! It happened again some days later, when he came home from work with songs from U2 that his co-worker gave him to. We listened to them, and though U2 is not a new band for me, I found a new affection toward their songs. I don’t really understand what’s going on, considering I’m no fan of rock or any other loud music, but my husband with all of his confidence affirmed that baby Ben is a rocker baby.
Last Sunday, in the middle of the worship moment in Sunday Service, baby Ben kicked me all around. It felt like he was rolling all over my tummy. It wasn’t his time of being that active, and never been he has so active, so I was a bit surprised. I told my husband, and he said, “He didn’t do that while we were singing loud songs, right?” Err… yesssss, he didn’t. So, with a wide smile on his face, my husband patted my tummy and said, “He IS a rocker baby.”
Oh, Ben.

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