38th weeks now! Baby B bisa keluar kapan aja nih! J
don’t really know how a contraction feels, tapi yang pasti perut semakin
kencang, apalagi semalam, si B terus bergerak, sepertinya dia sudah semakin
tidak nyaman karena berada dalam rahim yang makin sempit baginya. Vagina mulai
terasa nyeri dan nyut-nyutan.
di tengah kondisi seperti ini, we have to receive a good/bad news. Why bad, for
first? Aries is being let go this month. His company is at the verge of
bankruptcy and they have to let go some people. But thank God, tomorrow, he’s
having an interview in Daan Mogot. Why good? The company is not a healthy place
anymore. The mother of the boss is interfering, and it turns out that their
financial statement is not so good, they are doubted to be able to survive
after March next year. Luckily, the boss will give a month salary after letting
them go.
the friends who owe us money, haven’t shown any signs of paying us back,
despite their promise to pay us before they got married, which was 2 days ago. I’ve
asked them directly, still I don’t get any direct answer.
be lying if I say I’m not worried, because I am! I mean we are having baby, and
having one is no cheap action. I’ve tried to recite all verses I could remember
about not being worried, still my heart rage. And then I saw my husband’s face.
He was calm. He was joyful. He embraced the moment. And I learned to hold my
tongue, to not let my worries manifest into words. I learned to be a good wife,
a wife
who look to the future with confidence (Proverbs 31:25, Easy To Read version).