My sister is married now.
Well, yesterday was the precise date, 22 November 2014, when she was married to the love of her life. They have been through ups-and-downs, tears and laughters, so many things I believe that had made them grow even stronger in commitment.
It is pretty strange that she no longer lives in this house. I've been used to living with her like for ages. Though we didn't see each other very often, didn't really chat very deeply, yet I knew, she slept next to my room, and whenever I heard her voice, I knew she was home safely.
There are some things that I might found them annoying, as her habits of using like 2 or 3 glasses in a day, how she put her things anywhere, unfinished meals in fridge and sometimes they would be left decaying inside. Honestly, I was a bit relieved knowing I wouldn't encounter those things anymore.
But now she is truly gone, I felt a small thump in my core. Like a little hole there. My parents would go home too by this Friday, and soon I would be alone with my boy again during the daylights.
I'm happy for you, lil sis. I hope you have a very happy married life!!! But I already missed you :'(