I really need to stop the stalking. It won't help.
Why do I keep viewing her as a competitor? Maybe she doesn't even think I exist, unless there are few times we ought to gather as a circle.
Please, please, mind your own business!!! Let her be with all her foolishness. Maybe she doesn't see those as a foolishness. Let her be with her own pride. Whatever forms they are in. Be it her magnificent love for and from her hubby and darling son, be it her newest outfit or shoes or bags or ever so faithful loving friends, or her latest finding of great and expensive food. Be it!!!
Let her be with her own world.
You think she doesn't deserve them all, due to what she had done, especially what she had done to you in the past? It's none of your business.
Go on with your life. It is more important than stalking her to find her slightest laughable actions and share them with your pals.
Your life is more important that all of that. Don't live in the past. Don't observe, don't compare.
Just live your life as God has set it to be.
Be free.

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