Thursday, 20 December 2012

should say "no" earlier

So I'm kinda angry here.

Lemme expand on my condition.

I am situated to give (monthly) allowance to an elderly woman. With me just having a baby, my husband is the sole breadwinner, I try quite hard to accept this. Why?

The woman and her daughter shop more than I do.

They even didn't show any care at all when they made trips to other country and city.

And now the daughter - who is working with small wages - is planning to get a sophisticated gadget, by installments.

Asked by her friend, how could she manage with her wages, though she is going to quit spending for another 6 months, she answered lightly, "God shall provide. I still have my parents, anyway."


If she does have money, why can't she allocate it for more important matters, like her school fee, her mother's debts?

Oh, I forgot. What is most important for her is STYLE.

Oh dear God... help me to overcome this.

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