Last week, a bride-to-be who will have her holy matrimony right before me, offered me to have a 'unique entrance'. I tried to figure out the position, deliberated with bee and my WO, and we decided that no, it is not a unique entrance. And we wouldn't give it a try. That simple thing almost stole my joy that day.
And it happened when I was accompanying my dad. Phew, it was tough you know, accompanying my own dad. I mean, he's not that healthy, and I tried my best to serve him, but I must admit, things were draining me out. I was almost broken that moment.
Then, my event programmer cancelled his involvement. It turned out that he will go to States this Nov 9 for further study. A bit sad, but that's okay. Already got the replacement, though.
You know, it was pretty funny. Actually, since the first time my program man decided to join my committee, I felt a little awkward. Somehow I felt that he didn't belong. So I unconsciously made a little wish, that by God's willing, he would resign. And he did!
The replacement himself, we asked him before to involve in the equipment dept. He sorta refused, mentioning that he preferred to be in program dept. And now, he got what he wished for. Isn't that awesome? :)
Theennn... yesterday my cupcake baker sent me message, asking about the cake table. I found out that Fortuna doesn't provide one, and it got me freaked out. But then I remembered the catering, maybe I could ask for their help. Voila, Bu Bangkas, the catering PIC, agreed to lend me the table, free of charge ("Ah, only 5,000 thing," she said). See, things are solved, but dunno why, I still feel stressed out.
The invitation stuff, snack for holy matrimony stuff...
Aahh... not to mention the miscommunication with my dearest boss T.T
This is all so tiring!!
Then this morning, I knelt and said a prayer. I almost couldn't say anything, the tongue took over and I could only cry and cry til my eyes swollen.
Really, soon after, my heart felt lighter, much lighter, and I can live the moment.
Thank You, Jesus for being there for me always, for being my God.
emang kak kalo mau merid bisa adaaaaaaaaaaaa aja yang kejadian... sabar sabar yah kak... nanti pas hari H kalo byk yg gak sesuai harapan elu, tetep nikmati aja dan tsenyum manis, wedding cuma sekali jadi dibw enjoy aja. gue juga gitu 3 hr sblm merid gembala nikahnya ngabarin gak bisa berkatin gue, gimana gue gak spaneng? tp ya uda, yg gue tau gue tetep mau merid, wkwkwkw
hihihi.. thank you so much liaaa *hugs* iya nih, rasanya ud direncanain dari dulu2, sekarang mulailah keliatan hal2 berlangsung ga seperti yg diplotkan, haha... lah trs wkt itu gembala nikah lu ganti apa ttp yak? si mas bud kan?
iye neh, yg penting dua hati yg tulus saling mengasihi dan mau berkomitmen hidup bersama ya li....
justru g sama mas bud, cuma tyata dia ada acara di UPH masuk TV lagi, dia lupa schedule dia, akhirnya mas bud nyari penggantinya, kak budi yonathan yg baru pulang shari sebelon gue merid dari spore. jd pas pemberkatan tuh bnr2 kak budi yonathan gak tau apa2, lah wong kagak smpet ngbrl ato konseling lagi.. flow nya agak kacau gara2 kita kurang komunikasi sama kbudi yonathan. dikau sama mas bud?
oow... g igtnya yg berkatin lu mas bud, hoho.. g sih request pak billy, soalnya si aries jg kenal dia, pernah ngelatih anaknya basket, hihi... tp blm dpt kabar li, ktnya minggu ke3 november..
iye ye, gile wkt itu ud pasrah bgt dong li, hahaha.. dy jg ga tau apa2 ttg hub lu org ya?
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