What a sick community we're living in.
That's what came to my realization this couple of days.
Few days after Paris Attacks, our notorious darling social media, Facebook, provided a particular way for its users to extend sympathy for the tragedy. They have provided a ribbon, French national flag, for us to use in our profile pictures.
And polemic went wild soon after those tricolour profile pictures appeared on timeline.
People protested about nationalism. "Where were you when haze covered and murdered those innocent kids? Did you put our national flag on Facebook, too?" they said.
People protested about Syriah and Iran and Beirut. "There are people dying there, bombed, murdered, every day, and you don't say anything about that!" they said.
People even smirked about your happy face on your profile picture. "You are showing sympathy to a horrific tragedy while smiling widely with your selfie stick?" they sneered.
Why doing something simple as joining a silent sympathy movement is considered too much?
Oh, dear, is there any single Indonesian human being who never mocked the absurdity of this beloved country and compared it to other countries in every condescending way possible? Don't you remember saying, "Oh, Indonesian!" and whining why our people are so much behind? Does showing sympathy to another country simply mean you don't love your nation that much? Come on, how many of you celebrated the National Hero Day on November 10th? Or Sumpah Pemuda on October 28th? Why suddenly people become so nationalist?
Syriah, Iran, Beirut, Sumatra-Kalimantan haze? My, apple to apple, please. Some really nice writings have been produced over this matter, go look for it. My point is, those are different situations. If you really have this urgent need to compare any tragedy, compare it to Bali Bombing. Where people were just having fun, chilling in the night, and boom, suddenly their lives were taken. Or try 911, where people were just getting prepared to work, if you condemned having fun much. Don't you realize, terror is universal? What happened there, could happen here.
Happy face on profile picture? Are you serious? Do you really want me to change it into a gloomy face of mine, embedded with French national flag? I surely CAN imagine what kind of blasphemy be thrown over me.
I don't want to take this long, my point is simple, without belittling the impact or the nature of the attack, of course:
A tragedy has happened. People were grieving. People were terrorized. What do you do when your fellows are grieving and being terrorized? You stand with them. You sympathize, or if you have a higher EQ, you empathize with them. Those Paris Attacks victims were our world fellow, right?
And if you feel that you need to scrutinize and against every simple sympathy act toward a humanity tragedy, please forgive me for saying this: you are sick.

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